5TONIC involved in major European strategic telecommunications research projects

5TONIC involved in major European strategic telecommunications research projects

  • 5TONIC’s commitment to cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary collaboration is reflected in its involvement in European projects of the European Union SNS program, like Desire 6G, Predict 6G, TrialsNet or 6G XR, as well as in projects of the Spanish UNICO I+D program such as 6G-DATADRIVEN, 6G-EDGEDT, SNS JU projects and ADVANCE_6G.
  • In addition, the announcement of Cayetano Carbajo, Director for Core, Transport and Service Platforms at Global CTIO Telefónica, as the new President of 5TONIC represents a significant shift in the leadership and projection of the laboratory.

May 8th, 2024. Mobile technologies are experiencing an accelerated and constant development and it is expected that both, at European as well as national level, the growth of mobile network connections will rise even more in the coming years.


In fact, with the aim of facilitating the universalization of access to ultra-fast broadband and the extension of 5G, financed by the European Union Recovery Fund – NextGenerationEU, the Program for the Universalization of Digital Infrastructures for Cohesion (UNICO) has been launched in Spain. The objective is to promote a regulatory framework for the different funding rounds for the development of research and innovation projects.


In this sense, research spaces such as 5TONIC, the open laboratory for research and innovation in new technologies, founded by Telefónica and IMDEA Networks, is involved in several projects in collaboration with its members and collaborators. «5TONIC’s participation in these European-level projects strengthens the laboratory position and consolidates its capacity to host all the technological components needed to showcase all the opportunities offered by 5G and 6G technologies in different vertical industries,» explains Carlos J. Bernardos, 5TONIC vice-president and UC3M full professor. 


Among the projects included in the UNICO program, 5TONIC in collaboration with members of the laboratory, Ericsson, Telefónica, Telcaria, ABB and Capgemini Engineering, as well as led by University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M), are working on the development and evaluation of the technologies that will shape future 6G networks through the 6G-DATADRIVEN project. One of its main lines of research is to maximize data optimization, using industrial manufacturing processes and emergency support as application areas. On the other hand, 6G-EDGEDT, also headed by UC3M, focuses on developing massive digital twins at the hyper-distributed edge of the network. 


Carrying out these 6G technology precursor projects at national and international level would not be possible without playing a key role in the SNS JU (Small Network and Services Joint Undertaking), a major European public-private initiative to research and develop advanced 5G and 6G technologies. In fact, this year it has launched the second round of projects with a financial boost of €130 million. 


During the first phase of European projects within the SNS JU not only focus on network advancement and applications, but also seek to reduce carbon emissions as in the case of the 6Green protect, conduct full large-scale trials for new applications and enable next-generation XR services and infrastructure in 6GXR project. In addition, the project PRIVATEER seeks to develop privacy- sensitive security enablers for 6G networks and Predict 6G to provide deterministic network paths to support time-sensitive services requested by end customers.  This phase also includes other projects in which 5TONIC participates, such as DESIRE 6G, HEXA-X-II or TrialsNet. 


On the other hand, this year has marked the beginning of a new round of research projects within the SNS JU on this type of networks in search of a more detailed design and optimization of the systems. 5TONIC is involved in EXIGENCE which seeks to strengthen the underlying structure of 6G networks towards greater resilience, adaptability and efficiency, PROTEUS-6G to develop new technologies and multi-layer SDN architectures for energy efficiency, iTrust6G which investigates the application of advanced multi-tenant control in security orchestration and ROBUST-6G that makes use of data fabric and capability exposure approaches to enhance network security.


«At 5TONIC we are very proud to be able to participate together with our members and collaborators in the validation tests of these projects and to be part of the progress towards 6G, a milestone that will mark a before and after worldwide, opening new frontiers in communications,» says Bernardos. 

Announcement of new 5TONIC Chairman, Cayetano Carbajo


In addition, 5TONIC has recently experienced a significant shift in its leadership with the designation of a new Chairman, Cayetano Carbajo, Director for Core, Transport and Service Platforms at Global CTIO Telefónica. 


Carbajo is Telecommunication Engineer by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. In 1995, he joined Telefónica where he has worked in many different positions like CTO in Telefónica Germany, CTO in Telefónica Móviles México or corporate Technology Director for Telefónica. 


Currently, he is Director for Core, Transport and Service platform in GCTIO of Telefónica where he is pushing the transformation of Telefónica networks. 


This change reflects the lab’s ongoing commitment with excellence, innovation and advancing development. It also reinforces 5TONIC’s structure towards the new wave of technologies and applications by demonstrating its ability to adopt new technologies in a paradigm subject to constant change. 

«At 5TONIC we are committed in the research of innovative solutions that will drive the future of wireless communications. Our current participation in national and international projects are clear examples of our compromise cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary collaboration,» says Cayetano Carbajo.

About 5TONIC

5TONIC was initiated by Telefónica and IMDEA Networks Institute with a clear vision to create an open research and innovation ecosystem laboratory in which industry and academia come together to boost technology and business innovative ventures. The laboratory promotes joint project development, joint entrepreneurial ventures, discussion fora, events and conference sites, all in an international environment of the highest impact. 5TONIC serves to show the capabilities and interoperation of pre-commercial 5G equipment, services and applications, by leading global companies in the 5G arena. The laboratory was recently awarded Digital Innovation Hub status by the European Commission.

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5TONIC - IMDEA Networks Institute

Avenida del Mar Mediterráneo 22, 28918 Leganés (Madrid), Spain



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