How the future will look like thanks to 5G

How the future will look like thanks to 5G

The 5G is now a reality in our country. The 5G technology brings significant advantages for users. In fact, in the near future, it will be common to talk about autonomous vehicles and smart cities where cars will be connected to the road infrastructure to avoid traffic jams, among other examples. All this thanks to a technology which applications will become an everyday occurrence.  

As any news that comes to market, users are not yet sure how this technology will affect their lives, or how it really differs from its predecessor, the 4G technology that they already enjoy in their phones. 

For this reason, we have called on the experience and knowledge of two experts of this sector: Claudio Valero, Lead Editor of ADSLZone and Sergio Delgado, specialist journalist who has worked on Cloud Computing. Their point of view will help to clarify some of the most important questions on the subject.

What benefits will 5G connectivity bring?

5G is innovative, although this technology was already in the mouth of experts several years ago, «time before the arrival of 4G, there was already speculations on a likely 5G future», as Claudio emphasizes. Anticipation is very common in this sector, so it is not surprising that experts in the field are already thinking about the future. «Right now, it is already happening with 6G», a technology that has yet to be defined, and which development will depend on how 5G evolves in its first years of real operation.  

In fact, 6G technology is no stranger to 5TONIC, which recently collaborated in the elaboration of a White Paper «European Vision for the 6G Network Ecosystem» of the 5G Infrastructure Association. This document develops the vision of the 6G working ecosystem and the potential challenges for research projects on this new technology.

Nowadays, the stage of development of 5G makes it possible to anticipate some of its applications and, above all, the details that make it different from the current 4G. In this sense, it is foreseeable that the sectors that will benefit most from it, they will be healthcare and education. Thanks to the remote operations, or the use of holograms or virtual reality in the case of training. 

Spain is already a benchmark in terms of 5G technology. Claudio believes that our country is already at the forefront in the development of pilot programmes or in the efforts being made to achieve new advances. Although he is aware of countries, such as Iceland or China, will also be important in terms of technological development. However, he hopes that, thanks to the aid and funding from the European Union for companies dedicated to digitalization, our country will be able to remain at the forefront of technological development. 

There is no doubt that it will be multinationals and large companies that will benefit most, at least in the first stage, from the solutions and services provided by 5G. In this regard, Sergio points out the capacity for long-distance connectivity, its speed and the facility it will bring to tackle major business challenges as some of the main differentiating factors. However, the user will not remain unaffected. Claudio points out that «the end consumer will benefit in two ways: firstly, because they will have much more robust connections, and secondly because they will be able to access advanced services that companies will provide thanks to 5G». 

Upcoming developments

How will this technology evolve in the near future? Sergio believes that the most tangible solutions today will be those related to artificial intelligence and virtual reality, while the development of 6G is even more difficult to perceive. Especially because it is still in the midst of theoretical development, while 5G is in the midst of technological development. In this sense, Claudio points out that, before being able to continue with the evolution of 6G theories, it is necessary to continue «working many years in advance, although with the utmost discretion in order to reach a broad consensus between companies, regulators, countries…». 

In conclusion, Claudio does not hesitate to say that «5G is going to change everything, but I think we need more time. This is not something that is going to happen in the short term. Now things are getting much better than when 4G arrived, although some mistakes have been made that should not happen again with the development of 6G.  

Thus, 5TONIC laboratory continues with its goal of providing an environment that enables innovation, taking advantage of the facilities, its infrastructure and the scientists. This collaboration allows the creation of synergies between institutions and companies, thus turning the laboratory into an innovation centre for 5G technology testing.   

The aim is to enable members to validate the use cases they are working on, as well as the development of use cases and solutions to make them work. In fact, the third edition of the 5G PPP Infrastructure Trials and Pilots brochure has recognised two use cases of 2 valid projects in 5TONIC, the 5G EVE, which focuses on the development of autonomous vehicles for Industry 4.0, and the 5Growth, a project that focuses on boosting vertical sectors such as transport, energy, and Industry 4.0 through artificial intelligence.

*This blog may contain content that reflects the opinion from influencers, but not necessarily that of 5TONIC or its members.